Sunday, February 05, 2012

Run Anywhere

A key bullet point in the evaluation of a new general-purpose programming language is this: does it execute where my client's need it to execute?

Two key trends influence this point:
  1. Web apps are moving from server-heavy to browser-heavy. There is no getting around it. In order to create modern web apps with the features user's want, much of the code must move from the server to the browser.
  2. Mobile phones.
So, for any new programming language: it may have the most elegant syntax in the world, but if it doesn't run in a browser (or translate into something that runs in the browser) and/or doesn't run on a mobile device then i don't want it.

Only 2 languages (that I know of) run on the server (window/linux/unix), the browser and mobile devices:
  1. Java. Runs on browser via GWT. Runs on phone via Android. And, of course, runs on the server.
  2. JavaScript. Runs on browser (duh), server (node.js) and phone (assuming browser apps).


Philip Yurchuk said...

Looks like a LOT of people are trying to solve this problem:

Since you're a Google fanboy, I just talked to a guy from a startup consisting of all ex-Googlers who are using Closure (not Clojure):

They're also using Play Framework (Java version).

Anonymous said...

I understand your point but some might read your post as indicating Java can actually run in a browser (outside the applet sandbox). The GWT compiler translates Java source on the server side into JavaScript that runs on the client side.